SEESOX Izvještaj [2015]
Studij za jugoistočnu Evropu u Oxfordu
St Antony’s College, Oxford Univerzitet u asocijaciji sa DPIR i LSEE
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Trećeg marta 2015 SEESOX, LSEE i DPIR održali su sastanak Foruma za globalnu strategiju (održan u Committee Room u Domu lordova) o radionici održanoj 30. januara na temu “Bosna i Hercegovina: Novo međunarodno promišljanje”. Ovo je okupilo vodeće međunarodne kreatore politike i analitičare, uz velikodušnu podršku NATO-a i drugih. Bile su tri naglašene teme. I pored ogromnih problema koje je Bosna i Hercegovina imala tokom posljednjih 20 godina povukla se sa ivice: ali sada vlada stagnacija i rizik; i zemlja je došla do raskršća, s novim pristupom koji bi deblokirao zastoj. Diskusija je obuhvatila i strategiju i taktiku. Kad je riječ o strategiji,, inicijativa EU koju su predložili Velika Britanija i Njemačka ponudila je svjež pristup agendi reformi i implementaciji SAA. Rad na Akcionom planu za članstvo će obnoviti proces kako da se BiH približi NATO-u. Napredak na zapadnom Balkanu na oba fronta će pomoći Bosni: “Sredi region, sredi Bosnu.” Što se tiče taktike, tu je poziv s jasnijim porukama za javnost BiH, naglašavajući pozitivno uključenje civilnog društva, rad na jačanju institucija države, umjereno korištenje uslovljenosti za EU i NATO, ali “imenujući i posramivši” gdje je potrebno. Iznad svega, naglasak je stavljen na potrebu za novom odlučnošću, fokusom i jedinstvom u međunarodnom pristupu.
Nakon sastanka uslijedio je radni ručak u National Liberal Club-u sa Paddijem Ashdownom kao predsjedavajućim.
SEESOX Report [2015]
South East European Studies at Oxford
St Antony’s College, University of Oxford in association with DPIR & LSEE
Dialogue BiH2.0: mapping, contextualisation and visualisation of this public document/content
On 3 March 2015 SEESOX, LSEE and DPIR briefed a meeting of the Global Strategy Forum (held in a House of Lords Committee Room) on the Workshop they convened on 30 January on “Bosnia and Herzegovina: New International Thinking”. This had brought together leading international policy makers and analysts, with generous funding from NATO and others. There were three over-arching themes. Despite enormous problems, Bosnia and Herzegovina had over the last 20 years been pulled back from the brink; but now there was stagnation and risk; and the country had reached a fork in the road, with a new approach to break the deadlock required. Discussion covered both strategy and tactics. On the former, the EU initiative proposed by the UK and Germany offered a fresh approach to the reform agenda and implementation of the SAA. Work on the Membership Action Plan would revive the work done on bringing BiH closer to NATO. Progress in the West Balkans generally on both fronts would help Bosnia: “Fix the region, fix Bosnia”. On tactics, there was a call for clearer messaging aimed at the BiH public, stressing the positive, involving civil society, working to strengthen state institutions, using EU and NATO conditionality sparingly, but “naming and shaming” where necessary. Above all, there was a stress on the need for renewed resolve, focus and unity in the international approach.
The meeting was following by a lunchtime talk at the National Liberal Club with Paddy Ashdown as the speaker.