
“Fokus na reformama: Vizija Bosne 2020”: Socioekonomska agenda ima ogroman potencijal

Johns Hopkins Univerzitetski centar za transatlantske odnose, Američko-bosanska fondacija, i Američka ambasada u BiH, organizirali su jednodnevnu konferenciju pod nazivom Fokus na reformama: Vizija za BiH 2020, koja je imala za cilj da naglasi napore procesa implementiranja socioekonomskih reformi kako bi se ubrzao put zemlje kao euro-atlantskim integracijama.



“Focus on Reforms: 2020 Vision for BiH”: Socioeconomic agenda has enormous potential

A one-day conference organized by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Transatlantic Relations, the America-Bosnia Foundation, and the U.S. Embassy in BiH, Focus on Reforms: 2020 Vision for BiH, which aimed to emphasize the efforts of the process of implementing socioeconomic reforms in order to accelerate the country’s path to Euro-Atlantic integrations.


Pozitivne priče

Govoreći o ovome, Mak Kamenica, izvršni direktor Američko-bosanske fondacije, je izjavio da je cilj stvoriti pozitivne priče u BiH, koje će ojačati zemlju i promijeniti trend bijega mladih u ekonomski razvijene zemlje.

“Bez nezavisnog sudstva teško je privući investicije, ovo je vidljivo u mnogim sektorima, posebno u sektoru energije, u koji proteklih 30 godina nije bilo nikakvog investiranja u BiH”, izjavio je Kamenica, naglašavajući da u Evropskoj uniji ima mjesta za BiH.

Današnja konferencija i njoj slične pokazuju historijski značaj dvadesetogodišnjice Dejtona, izjavio je Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, koji je na čelu EU Delegacije i specijalni predstavnik EU u BiH. Podsjetio je da su sve političke stranke početkom godine prihvatile proces gradnje reformi, što je on nazvao važnim korakom.

“To je nešto o čemu smo dugo raspravljali, možda već deset godina mi skrećemo pažnju sa Dejtona na Brisel. Uprkos povremenim preprekama, mislim da je sudbina jasna i obavezivanje EU i ogromne većine građana BiH je ono čemu zajednički idemo prema članstvu EU”, izjavio je Wigemark.

Prema njegovim riječima, pristup EU nije da se ignoriraju ustavna pitanja, nego da su godinama pokušavali da nađu takvo rješenje za implementiranje presude Sejdić-Finci. Ona se mora riješiti, rekao je Wigemark, prije nego što BiH dobije status kandidata za članstvo.

Socioekonomska agenda za koju je BiH opredijeljena predstavlja ogroman potencijal čiji je cilj napredak zemlje, izjavila je ambasadorka Maureen Cormack.

Ogroman potencijal

“Posljednjih godina radili su na socioekonomskoj agendi, i postoji ogroman potencijal da se izmijeni stanje u zemlji, ali samo ako je narod spreman da je implementira, kako bi BiH postala napredna zemlja. SAD će i dalje podržavati svakog ko radi za pozitivnu budućnost u BiH, ko radi na zajedničkim ciljevima za dobrobit svih građana”, izjavila je Cormack.

Za vrijeme konferencije održano je nekoliko radnih panel diskusija o potrebi za reformama u BiH, budućnosti reformskog procesa, korupciji i drugim temama.

Konferenciji je prisustvovao Hoyt Yee, zamjenik pomoćnika državnog sekretara, sa predstavnicima državnih ministarstava, sudskog sektora, univerziteta, udruženja i drugih organizacija.

Positive stories

Speaking about this, Mak Kamenica, executive director of the America-Bosnia Foundation, said that the goal is to create positive stories in BiH, which will strengthen the country and change the trend of youth flight in economic development.

“Without an independent judiciary it is hard to attract investment, this is visible in many sectors, especially in energy, where in the past 30 years there has been no investment in BiH,” said Kamenica, emphasizing that there is a place for BiH in the European Union.

Today’s conference and those like it show the historical significance of the 20th anniversary of Dayton, said Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, head of the EU Delegation and the EU Special Representative in BiH. He recalled that al political parties at the start of the year accepted the process of building reforms, which he called an important step.

“It’s something we’ve long discussed, maybe ten years already we are switching attention from Dayton to Brussels. Despite the temporary obstacles, I think the destination is clear and the EU’s commitment and the vast majority of BiH citizens is that we are jointly going toward EU membership,” said Wigemark.

According to him, the EU’s approach is not to ignore constitutional questions, but that for years they have tried to find a solution like that for implementing the Sejdic-Finci ruling. It will have to be resolved, Wigemark said, before BiH receives candidate status for membership.

The socioeconomic agenda to which BiH is committed represents enormous potential that has as its goal the improvement of the country, said Ambassador Maureen Cormack.

Enormous potential

“In recent years they have worked on the socioeconomic agenda, it has enormous potential to change the country, but only if people are prepared to implement it, for BiH to become a prosperous country. The U.S. will continue to support everyone who works for a positive future for BiH, to work on common goals for the benefit of all citizens,” said Cormack.

During the conference several working panel discussions on the need for reforms in BiH, the future of the reform process, corruption, and other topics were held.

The conference was attended by Hoyt Yee, U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state, with representatives of state ministries, the judicial sector, universities, associations, and other organizations.

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