Četrdeset šesti izvještaj visokog predstavnika generalnom sekretaru UN-a
46th Report of the High Representative for Implementation of the Peace Agreement on Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Secretary-General of the United Nations
U skladu sa svojim mandatom prema Dejtonskom mirovnom sporazumu, visoki predstavnik Valentin Inzko je podnio redovni izvještaj Ban Ki-moonu, generalnom sekretaru Ujedinjenih nacija, u kojem je prezentirao stanje u vezi s provedbom Mirovnog sporazuma u Bosni i Hercegovini za period od 21. aprila 2014. do 21. oktobra 2014. godine.
Visoki predstavnik je upozorio kako je silazna putanja kojom se kreće Bosna i Hercegovina, nažalost, nastavljena i da su najveći problemi uzrokovani opstrukcijom i neefikasnošću na različitim nivoima vlasti. Socijalne i ekonomske teškoće, koje su posljedica takve situacije, dodatno su usložnjene zbog katastrofalnih posljedica proljetnih poplava koje su rezultirale štetama u iznosu većem od dvije milijarde eura.
Visoki predstavnik je naglasio da je za rješavanje ove situacije „potrebno odlučno prestati s dosadašnjom praksom i početi s novim načinom vođenja politike.“
Neuspjeh vlasti da uspješno reagiraju na poplave, neprekidna osporavanja Dejtonskog sporazuma i antidemokratska izborna retorika predstavljaju ozbiljne probleme, rekao je visoki predstavnik u svom izvještaju.
On je također rekao da je od vitalnog značaja stalno prisustvo vojne misije EU u Bosni i Hercegovini s izvršnim mandatom, jer to omogućava OHR-u i drugim agencijama da vrše svoj mandat i ulijeva značajnu dozu povjerenja građanima BiH u svakom dijelu zemlje.
On je naglasio da u toku izvještajnog perioda vlasti nisu načinile nikakve konkretne pomake u smislu realizacije ciljeva koje je postavio Upravni odbor Vijeća za provedbu mira; niti je u Mostaru uspostavljen pravičan i ustavan izborni sistem.
Kao pozitivnu vijest, visoki predstavnik je spomenuo kako se učešće jedinica Oružanih snaga BiH u mirovnim operacijama širom svijeta uspješno nastavlja i da je Bosna i Hercegovina načinila korake u pravcu preuzimanja odgovornosti za kontrolu zračnog prometa od svojih susjeda nakon sporazuma postignutog pod okriljem Evropske organizacije za sigurnost zračne plovidbe (EUROCONTROL) da bi Centar oblasne kontrole BiH (BH ACC) postao operativan.
Visoki predstavnik će se obratiti Vijeću sigurnosti UN-a 11. novembra 2014. godine kako bi direktno informirao članove Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a o situaciji u Bosni i Hercegovini.
In line with his mandate under the Dayton Peace Agreement, High Representative Valentin Inzko has presented his regular report to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon outlining the status of peace implementation in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period from 21 April 2014 to 21 October 2014.
The High Representative warned that regrettably Bosnia and Herzegovina’s downward trajectory has continued and that major difficulties have been caused by obstruction and ineffectiveness at different levels of government. The resulting social and economic hardship has been compounded by the catastrophic impact of the spring floods, which caused more than 2 billion Euros in damage.
The High Representative stressed that in order to address this situation “there will need to be a decisive break with the past and a new way of doing politics.”
Failure by the authorities to react effectively to the floods, continuing challenges to the Dayton settlement, and anti-democratic election rhetoric all raise serious concerns, the High Representative said in his report.
He said the continued presence of the EU military mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina with an executive mandate is vital as it enables the OHR and other agencies to fulfil their mandates, and it offers important reassurance to BiH citizens in every part of the country.
He noted that during the reporting period the authorities made no concrete progress on the objectives set by the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council; nor has an equitable and constitutional electoral system been established in Mostar.
On a more positive note, the High Representative noted that the participation of BiH Armed Forces units in peacekeeping operations around the world continues successfully, and that Bosnia and Herzegovina has moved towards assuming its air control responsibilities from neighbouring countries following agreement under the auspices of the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) to make the BiH Area Control Centre (BH ACC) operational.
The High Representative will address the UN Security Council on 11 November 2014 to brief members of the United Nations Security Council directly on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This report covers the period from 21 April 2014 to 21 October 2014. During this period, the downward trajectory the country has been on during the last eight years continued, with governing institutions and political leaders failing to advance on a broad range of reforms, including the conditions set for Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to move towards Euro-Atlantic integration. The two most significant developments in the reporting period were the severe flooding, which struck communities throughout the country in May, and the holding of the country’s seventh General Elections since the war on 12 October.
Estimates put the total economic impact of the floods and consequent landslides that hit BiH in May 2014 at EUR 2.04 billion or nearly 15 percent of BiH’s GDP. The prompt and admirable readiness of individuals and local communities to assist neighbors in need across ethnic and administrative boundaries was an overwhelming signal that many people are more interested in finding solutions to the country’s problems together than the divisive rhetoric of some politicians would suggest. The international community has responded to the disaster with financial assistance, but much remains for the domestic authorities to do to complete the recovery effort and mitigate the risks of similar disasters in the future.
Although the official election campaign began in September, personal conflicts between party representatives from ruling and opposition coalitions at various levels and divisive rhetoric from certain politicians began well before then. The poll itself was considered to be generally conducted in an orderly fashion, but with reports of irregularities in several polling stations. The high number of spoiled or invalid ballots cast, in particular, has been a source of controversy, and the Central Election Commission was engaged in a recount exercise for some 120 polling stations before the announcement of preliminary results. Legal challenges from some parties are to be expected before the final results are announced on 11 November.
Once the results are final, it will be important that the new legislatures and governments are formed promptly and fully in accordance with the applicable legal framework. Both the citizens of BiH and the international community are right to have high expectations from the incoming governments regardless of the parties that form the ruling coalitions. For these expectations to be met there will need to be a decisive break with the past and a new way of doing politics that puts the interests of citizens and the country as a whole first.
From the point of view of my mandate to uphold the civilian aspects of the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP), the ever increasing calls by officials from the Republika Srpska (RS) for that entity’s secession from Bosnia and Herzegovina and other statements challenging the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country are a significant concern. Under the authority vested in me, I have made clear repeatedly that the entities have no right to secede from BiH under the Dayton Peace Agreement and that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of BiH is guaranteed by the country’s Constitution and by international law.
In the complex environment that currently prevails in the country, the presence of the European Union military mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina (EUFOR) with an executive mandate remains of vital importance, enabling my Office and others in the international community to fulfill our respective mandates as well as reassuring citizens from all ethnic groups throughout the country.
Odgovornost za informacije i gledišta iznesena u ovom članku, isključivo leži na autorima i nužno ne odražavaju mišljenje urednika Dialogue - BiH2.0 – Dijalog, njegovog savjetodavnog odbora, Tufts univerziteta, partnera, pobornika i donatora.
Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Dialogue - BiH2.0 - Dijalog Editors, its Advisory Board, Tufts University, Partners, Supporters and Donors.}